Friday, March 28, 2008

Affirmative-"Discrimination" Hurts Children

"The individual who can do something that the
world wants will,
in the end, make his way
regardless of race."
Booker T. Washington (1856–1915)

Not according to Affirmative-Action. AA
and It's supporters believe minorities are
Incapable of success, without a special
preference set aside for them.

Does affirmative action hurt kids?
Yes, says author of new bilingual
children's book

Posted: March 25, 2008
12:56 am Eastern

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

LOS ANGELES – It's a publishing first. In his new kids'
book, "Joey Gonzalez, Great American," author Tony Robles
takes on one of today's most polarizing issues –
affirmative action.

Using words and pictures that kids can easily understand,
"Joey Gonzalez" shows how government programs designed
to "help" children are often the ones that do the most harm.

In fact, the idea for "Joey Gonzalez" came about because of
the author's own educational experience – one based on
merit, not race.

"I attended Boys' High School in New York in the '60s," says
Tony Robles. "Even though the students were primarily minority
and low-income, we were held to strict academic standards. The
principal and staff were committed to helping us succeed by
showing us that we could compete with anyone."

It was this strong foundation in part that led to Robles' successful
career in law enforcement.

In today's schools, however, competition has become a dirty
word, he says. Affirmative action is a policy, says Robles, that
pits kids against each other in all the wrong ways. Instead of
being challenged and prepared to compete in the real world, Robles
contends that "minority kids learn early on that they will never
get the credit they deserve for working hard and trying to
succeed on their own." At the same time, other children resent
the preferred treatment that their minority classmates receive,
and end up resenting them.

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