Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Useful Idiots Are Protesting Again !

Anti-White Pig-a.k.a Al Sharpton

I see the useful Idiots were at It again yesterday ! For those of you
who do not know, Useful Idiots are those who are used to promote
goals different than what they believe (Pawns of the elite). Al
Sharpton Is out whining about lack of "Hate" crime persecutions
even though these so-called"Hate" crimes are decreasing. What
do you want MORON !!! Do all White males need to worry about
being persecuted now to fill"Hate" crime persecution quotas !!??

Goddamn you should be happy Whites aren't out beating Blacks, but
this is Is what your handlers bankroll you to Incite. Because
more and more Whites are sick of you and Jesse and your races
whining. So you hope to encourage White on Black Incidents, Get
wall to wall mainstream Idiot news coverage, then say "I told you
So". In fact If you read the FBI crime statistics(Lazy Leftists
go visit the DOJ site yourself, you morons always whine for
proof, Do some research yourselves for a change, Huh !) The
Black race assaults Whites far more than vice versa.

But Al and Jesse (Dumb&Dumber) will have you believe
Whites the ones who are truly racially and ethnically
oppressed, are the evil racist haters. Christ ! Don't believe
me look at the Idiot box, the newspapers, and schools. Any
White who Is proud of their heritage or stands up for
themselves, IS RACIST !!!! By the way Al, Who Is the
race always getting a pass at Insulting Whites ? Who
Is the Race that rapes and dismembers White women
such as Channon Christian In Knoxville, Tennessee ? The
Niggers ! And let's not even start with the automatic
jobs you get by the government for being Black. You get
your Asses kissed and wiped, but Is that enough for
you people ? Fuck no ! You want It all and then some.

And If you think Nigger Is racist, Fuck you ! You Idiots walk
around calling each other It all day, yet It's okay. A White
woman and her boyfriend are anally raped and dismembered
by a feral pack of your race and where's the uproar ? You hate
Whites and you know the Liberal White cowards will support you
In the media and attempt to cow the rest of Whites. But your day
and your races is fast approaching the day of reckoning. Enjoy
the gravy train while you can Al, Whites are sick of you and your
people. As are Mexicans, Who are pushing your people out of Los
Angelos and every city they Immigrate to. Keep rousing your
unemployed and uneducated hired protesters of the moment, to
the coming ethnic civil war the elites planned and crave
for. You and yours will lose !

An excellent book by the
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, It
shows how goons such as Al and
Jesse use their people as pawns

Their real Interest Is to keep
the Black race dumb and blind, so
they can enrich themselves

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson

The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson:
furthest thing from a
Nigger, as he
Is an educated
Black male. But to the
Elites and the race
hucksters, he
Is an "Uncle
Tom". Maybe If the majority

of Black leaders were like
Peterson, Race
relations would
be significantly better. But

Al and Jesse believe his way Is
wrong and
Blacks should just
blame "Whitey"and preach

hatred towards Whites.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

America Once A Great Nation- Now A Cesspool

Once Upon A Time
In Old America

By Judith Moriarty

We are living in a state of selective amnesia or fearful
denial? "The easy credit which created the subprime
crisis in mortgage lending has now spread to the hedge
fund industry. The troubles at Bear Stearns prove that
Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson's assurance
that the problem is 'contained' is pure baloney. The
contagion is swiftly moving through the entire system
taking down home owners, mortgage lenders, banks,
rating agencies, and hedge funds. We are just at the
beginning of a system-wide breakdown. "

"To a large extent, the housing bubble has concealed
the systematic destruction of America's industrial
and manufacturing base. Low interest rates have
lulled the public to sleep while The rise in housing
prices has created the millions of high paying jobs
have been outsourced. The rise in housing prices
has created the illusion of prosperity but, in truth, we
are only selling houses to each other and are not
making anything that the rest of the world wants. The
$11 trillion dollars that was pumped into the real
estate market is probably the greatest waste of
capital investment in the nations history. It hasn't
produced a single asset that will add to our collective
wealth or industrial competitiveness".

" The Federal Reserve produces all the fact and
figure related to the housing industry. They
knew that trillions of dollars were being diverted
into a speculative bubble, but they did NOTHING
to stop it. Now the effects of their 'cheap money'
policies have spread to the hedge fund industry
where hundreds of billions of dollars in pensions
and savings are in jeopardy."

It is advised that citizens (those involved in
loans - investments - etc, in local
communities) , come into the 21st century
and get a grasp of the serious
implications : Another Great Depression

While we are kept dutifully distracted with the drunken
antics of Hollywood airheads, breaking news of
OJ, and his merry band of thieves, hours of TV
media coverage of sexual predators, or Lockup
shows of our 'prison industry' - millions across the
nation are losing their jobs and their homes.

In case some of the opinion that government will
ride to the rescue and retrain former auto
workers, textile employees, paper mill/ steel/
manufacturing workers, etc, for those high end
technological or positions in the health field - get a
grip! Thousands upon thousands are graduating
from college unable to find jobs! No 50-60 old
worker who has worked for decades in a paper
mill, or steel plant, is going to compete with those
educated in the best of colleges in their early
twenties! Let's get real.

The Governments Response To The
Majority Of Americans Fed Up With Illegal
Mexican Immigration !

Besides, we now have hundreds of thousands
of professional guest workers (Democrats
and Republicans support), being
imported to replace Americans, at a third
of the salary, no benefits, no pensions, and
no job security. Prison labor is being used by
other corporate interests! Besides, President
Bush, who never held a real job in his life (before
the Presidency or government position), has cut
funds for job retraining: The Bush Budget:

President Bush, and career politicians, don't have
to care or relate to their employers (US
Taxpayer). They get lucrative salaries, yearly cost
of living raises, and full health coverage (we pay
72% of their premiums). Their pensions also see
yearly cost of living raises! No severance packages
here, of a few weeks pay, no matter how miserable
their job performance, or felony convictions.

Note, when a politician comes down with some health
issue, they receive immediate care at the best of
hospitals. No drone in a far away cubicle informs
their physician that such and such a procedure is
not covered. They are not advised to become
destitute, having no assets, before they can receive
medical care! They don't die ignored, on the
floor of an emergency room (Los Angeles),
of a ruptured bowel, with medical staff
fully aware!

Coming home from war, they are not one of the
192,000 veterans left homeless, having to prove
their disability. Note how convenient the troops are
for photo ops ( in spiffy uniforms amidst flags) going
off to war. You'll not see politicians posing with brain
damaged/blind/faceless/ veterans, advising, "Be all
you can be etc". You'll not see presidential candidates
shaking hands; with those living under bridges, in
abandoned cars, or crowded shelters ! You haven't
seen politicians (whatever the party) addressing the
bureaucratic nightmare of today's medical debacle;
written, by the pharmaceuticals, insurance, and
HMO interests. Both parties continue to vote
malignant trade agreements, for the benefit
of corporate hucksters, in their global plundering
of our planet. Millions upon millions, left
dispossessed in their own lands, (due to trade
agreements), are exiting their countries
seeking employment in the U.S.

Corporate interests rally the naive, unskilled,
and uneducated immigrants, in various protests,
against the unemployed, and over burdened
U.S. taxpayers being billed for these failed trade
agreements! Victims against victims. Pretty clever
manuvering. The top few % responsible for this global
plunder are out of sight. This can't be identified for what
it really is - class warfare. The few are benefiting
obscenely at the expense of the multitudes. The
media (corporate owned) blames this discontent
on those not willing to do the work of immigrants
or on unions. Hey, the bigger the lie, the more believable.

Immigrants are not only (as the media presents) out in
the field picking lettuce or beans. They are standing on
street corners all over the nation; being hired on by
unscrupulous contractors; for roofing, brick laying,
concrete work, construction, etc. At the end of the
day (week) many hired on in this manner, find
themselves without pay, or working for slave
wages. If they are injured on the job, that's their
tough luck. Non-union jobs result in coal miners
left underground (Utah), and are not about
enviromental or safety issues. This is the face
of your new global plantation. An indentured
slave work force.

The American Paramilitary: The Police !

Once upon a time, in Old America, there was pride
in the workmanship of American Made. Small
town America flourished with manufacturing, tool
and die shops, sheet metal, appliance companies,
paper mills, steel mills, mining machinery plants
etc. The police did not carry electrocution
devices(tasers) nor did we have Ninja
troops, breaking down doors, killing
innocent citizens, in some ill founded drug
bust. Meantime, our southern border, has tons
of drugs entering in unhindered! The poppy
fields of Afghanistan are booming. What drug war?

Once upon a time in Old America the doctor would
come to your house. The President didn't advise
those in need of health care to sit in an emergency
room for hours. A hospital bill didn't bankrupt a
family. Medicines were affordable. Children didn't
die of an abscessed tooth because a dentist
demanded cash.

Small town America had downtown streets bustling
with home town businesses. Walmart with its
poison junk from China was not the largest employer
in the nation. The elderly didn't need to apply for
jobs; bagging groceries or as Home Depot
Associates to make ends meet. Schools were
not centers of social engineering,
teaching alternative life styles, or the
intricacies of putting a condom on a
banana! Children were permitted the
joy of being a child and not arrested for
zero tolerance schemes, thought up by
some mindless educators in Washington. A
compliant, obedient, passive workforce, needs
early intervention and training in obedience. Group
Think is in - individual genius, exuberance and
creativity needs drugged. It takes a village to
raise an mindless idiot .

Once upon a time in Old America a man working in
a mill, or auto plant etc, could see his son becoming
an engineer, a doctor, or scientist. Today's child, has
his/her career being mapped out in school by
social engineers. College costs are out of sight, with
various grants and loans being eliminated. Youngsters
no longer works at paper routes, or at odd jobs. These
are being done by unemployed parents or
immigrants. Those being prepared for a world
of Forever War - or placement in the local
Wigget factory; don't need math skills, spelling,
or reading abilities. Thus many graduating today,
can't do simple math (watch what happens when
the computers go down in a store), read a newspaper,
or discuss a work of literature. Many have no idea
of our history, and think the civil war was the
Watts Riots. Try asking your fourth grader to l
ook up a word in the dictionary or write a short story.

The fault of this rests with parents/citizens - who
have allowed this madness of indoctrinating
their children into stupidity. Teachers (change
agents) are only interested in a paycheck or
retirement benefits. They are not about to rock
the boat. Citizens on the other hand, without a
murmur, have their children prescribed mind
altering drugs, without the least bit of
research! Because some bovine drone threatens
them - they bleat and obey. Would that we had
some 'zero tolerance' addressing the corruption
in Foggy Bottom - or in the robbery of war, with
billions gone missing. Meantime, the offspring
of the moneyed/well connected, receive the
best of private school educations - to prepare
them for their secure positions of future
hucksters - industry hacks etc.

Once upon a time in Old America there was no
danger stranger, Amber Alerts, or daily fear
advertisements. True we had Duck and
Cover, a silly ass routine of Bert the Turtle,
advising us to duck under a desk, to avoid
the aftermath of an Atomic Bomb. At age
six, I had enough sense to see the lunacy
in this, and received a monthly 'unsatisfactory'
in deportment, because I wouldn't participate
in acting the fool. Today I imagine I'd be arrested.

Once upon a time in Old America the streets
and parks were alive with the laughter of children
at play. Small town America had its fireworks,
parades, carnivals, swimming hole, family
picnics, concerts in the park, fishing, building
forts etc. Today the streets are silent and echoing
on a summer's eve. Video games and mindless TV
programming have created a generation of
lumpkins. Except in a rare instance, I don't
recall a classroom filled with doughy - dullard
overweight children. But then we had no fast
food restaurants, or additive saturated foods,
when I was growing up. To this day, I have never
eaten (WHY?) at a McSlop fast food joint.

Citizens today have been propagandized and
programed to enslaved consumerism. I can't
imagine that my parents would have paid
hundreds of dollars for sneakers, or designer
clothing , so that I could fit in with the other
kids at school. 'TV was my teacher far into the
night - it taught me to buy everything within
sight' - this is today's mantra. Imagine robbing
your children, by sitting them down in front
of something called Sponge Bob (or whatever)
or violent video games?

We are for the most part kept ill informed as to
the true state of our nation. Millions are losing
their jobs and homes. One state or region has
no idea of what is occurring elsewhere. Detroit
looks like Beirut - with its downtown echoing
with abandoned hotels, train stations, and
rusted auto plants. The steel mills and textile
plants of middle America - the South (never
modernized), were allowed to rust into
oblivion - with few realizing the
implications. In times of crisis we could
never prepare for war.

Once upon a time in Old America there were real
grandmas with aprons and flowered dresses. Women
didn't feel the need to resort (TV conditioning)
to liposuction, face lifts, breast implants etc.
Our votes weren't hijacked by computers
with no paper trail. True, there have always
been the robber barons exploiting the workers,
shooting down strikers (looking for a decent wage),
and crooked politicians, only too willing to sell out
their constituents. The difference today is that these
robber barons and corporate hucksters; hold the
most strategic positions in government (from the
Defense Dept to the regulatory agencies). Lobbyists
for industry now determine legislation. Government
(politicians) for the most part, are nothing more
than props. No matter the party in power, one
can observe, that they are about feathering their
own nests, serving their corporate owners, or
holding tedious hearings, that result in nothing
but filling time. Anything done for the citizen
is by pure accident.

And now in the New America we can see that our infrastructure,
utilities, water, and vast holdings of real estate are being sold
out to foreign interests. Rest assured, that all these supposed protected
areas (parks - timber - minerals - grasslands - etc) are mere collateral for our
massive debt. I suspect, that under the guise of paperless ID, we will next
be ordered to be chipped (much like pets). In the days of slavery this was
called branding - the chip is merely updated branding. One must keep
track of one's human resources on a plantation.

"Ship is sinking
The ship is sinking
The ship is sinking

Digging up the dead, with a shovel and pick
It's a job, it's a job
Bloody moon rising with a plague and a flood
Join the mob, join the mob
It's all over, it's all over

God's away, God's away
God's away on business, business"

God's Away On Business -Tom Waits

By Judith Moriarty