Stripped bare: 'Gay' school
plot unveiled
'Infuse LGBTQ curriculum
into history,
social science, and literature classes'
Posted: December 11, 2007
9:05 p.m. Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com
On the heels of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's signature
on S.B. 777, which opponents describe as a homosexual
indoctrination plan for education districts, a pro-
homosexual lobbying organization in California has
launched its campaign to infuse a "gay" influence into
public school curricula.
![]() Gov. Schwarzenegger |
The Gay Straight Alliance recently forwarded an e-mail
to its California chapters with information on how to
make sure homosexuality is taught in the state's schools
and warned that having students and parents simply
"tolerate" homosexuality is not enough.
"In many schools, learning about LGBTQ issues
takes the form of very necessary tolerance education
where students are educated about the importance of
not discriminating against each other," according to
GSA documents. "Tolerance education is an important
first step, but we need to push further.
"Infuse LGBTQ curriculum into history, social science,
and literature classes," is the organization's plan.
Karen England, a spokeswoman for Capital Resource
Institute who publicized the GSA campaign and is a
primary organizer behind the Save Our Kids plan to
put the issue before voters and ask them to reject it, said
this is exactly what she expected of those who wish to
promote the homosexual lifestyle.
"The homosexual lobby is active and ambitious. They
already have GSA units in many California schools
that will oversee the implementation of SB 777,
" England said. "As evidenced in the GSA e-mail, their
agenda is inclusion in school instruction and activities,
regardless of their public assertions of 'streamlining'
anti-discrimination policies in the law."
She said the GSA "guide" to be used tells students "that
insisting on LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender
and queer) history in school instruction 'helps to
create schools where students feel safer and
more supported.'"
"Utilizing the slogan 'Let's Set the Record Straight:
History Isn't', students are given several action steps
to take in accomplishing their 'curriculum campaign'
goal. These include monitoring classroom instruction
to see if LGBTQ individuals are discussed or 'made
invisible'; taking over class to present LGBTQ history
lessons and contacting textbook companies to
change curriculum," England noted.
She said no child should be subjected to discrimination,
"but incorporating discussions of an instruction about
controversial lifestyles in the classroom does not
accomplish this goal. Instead, it undermines parental
authority over children's moral upbringing."
The documentation promotes a classroom discussion
of Sylvia Rivera, a "Latina transwoman," and suggests,
"It's time to take action!"
"Are your teachers teaching about the historical
achievements of LGBTQ individuals? Are these issues
included in your textbooks?..." the organization
wrote. "Take over class! … Lead a discussion about
LGBTQ history or present a lesson of your own."
England said with the pending implementation of
S.B. 777, soon such messages will come not from
independent advocacy groups such as GSA, but
from the state's superintendent of Public Instruction,
Jack O'Connell.
"That will be the mandate if our referendum isn't
successful," she told WND. "It won't be just some San
Francisco school. It will be the San Francisco curriculum
and values forced on school districts in California."
She called the agenda "highly offensive" to most
Californians, in fact, "most Americans."
"Religious background or not, you don't want these
controversial issues discussed in a classroom," she said.
She said the Save Our Kids campaign is on track,
with more than enough petitions in circulation to
collect the signatures needed to present the plan
to voters.
But she said petition signature collectors now need
to be getting the pages of signatures back to the
campaign office to be processed and submitted
to the state.
She described the citizen response so far as incredible.
"We have people who are saying, 'Not with my kids, not
with my grandkids,'" she said. "Citizens who have never
done anything [politically] are setting up tables
outside of grocery stores."
The homosexual promotions suggested a "gay/lesbian
teacher as role model," promoted the life stories of
celebrity homosexuals, and suggests study of "The
Kinsey Report," which in 1948 explored "same-sex
sexual behavior."
It also advocates teaching "the truth
about historical figures."
"We will never know how he (Abraham Lincoln)
might identity his own sexual orientation if he were
alive today…" the group states. "It is good for young
people of all sexual orientations and gender identities
to know that some of the legends in their history books
were more complex than those books make them seem."
Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute, said,
"It is within our reach to defeat SB 777 – the most blatant
attempt yet to mandate pro-homosexual and transgender
propaganda in schools. We urge all friends of liberty to
send CRFI their completed petitions as soon as possible."
WND previously has reported on an increasing number
of students leaving public schools because of the planned
agenda, and O'Connell has warned districts they'll lose
money if that happens.
A spokeswoman for a ministry called Considering
Homeschooling said she already has seen an
overwhelming increase in requests for information
about homeschooling.
As a result, spokeswoman Denise Kanter told WND
that her group is sending out 5,000 DVD packages to
churches around the state that include basic "how-to"
information to provide parents a direction to turn
when they choose to protect their children from
the new school agenda.
Another group's website, Discover Christian Schools,
has been getting almost 4,000 visits per day as parents
seek alternatives, co-founder Harold Naylor Jr. said.
The new law demands, "No teacher shall give instruction
nor shall any school district sponsor any activity that
promotes a discriminatory bias because of a characteristic
[including perceived gender.]"
"With the passing of SB 777, a Christian parent cannot, in
good conscience, send their child to a public school
where their child will be taught or coerced into a
lifestyle or belief system that is contrary to the faith
they hold dear," Kanter told WND.
In California, several parents told the Inland Valley
Press Enterprise they were pulling their children from
public school classrooms in protest of the law.
"We have rights, too. Enough is enough,"
Donna Myeres said.
Randy Thomasson, president of the Campaign for
Children and Families, said there is reason for
alarm. He said the new law effectively requires
school instruction and school activities to portray
homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality to
the six million children in public schools in a
positive light.
He said he's gotten hundreds of contacts from
concerned parents, and is encouraging families to
leave the public school system entirely.
All of this has O'Connell alarmed.
In a notice to school superintendents, he said, "There
may be fiscal consequences to school districts
for funds lost due to student absences."
Meredith Turney, the legislative liaison for
Capitol Resource Institute, reacted to that
in a column.
"Mr. O'Connell, the bill's author Sen. Sheila
Kuehl and Gov. Schwarzenegger have all
maintained the party line that SB 777 merely
'streamlines' existing anti-discrimination
laws. However, these attempts to discredit
the public outcry against SB 777's policies are
disingenuous and misleading. In fact, SB 777 goes
far beyond implementing anti-discrimination
and harassment policies for public schools."
"The terms 'mom and dad' or 'husband and wife'
could promote discrimination against homosexuals
if a same-sex couple is not also featured," said Turney.
"Parents want the assurance that when their children
go to school they will learn the fundamentals of
reading, writing and arithmetic – not social
indoctrination regarding alternative sexual
lifestyles. Now that SB 777 is law, schools will
in fact become indoctrination centers for sexual
experimentation," she said.
As WND has reported, the non-profit Advocates
for Faith and Freedom has filed a lawsuit
challenging a SB 777.
Robert Tyler, the general counsel, said the lawsuit
his organization has filed challenges the law on
the basis it is unconstitutionally vague and violates
the privacy of all students, teachers and other
people on school campuses.
Please also see -
"Back Fired," by William J. Federer, shows
how the faith that gave birth to tolerance is
no longer tolerated!