lurking In backyard bushes and trees everywhere ready
to strike at a moments notice !
By A Fed Up Disenfranchised American
mongering of present day Amerikkka. I am sick and tired of
being told to worry about the war on "terror" and how terrorists
seek to destroy Amerikkka. I feel this way because the only
one destroying our nation Is the rich elites In power. The ones
who seek to end and attack our freedoms are
not terrorist, but the federal government. Who has assaulted the
freedoms we have left, terrorists ? No the federal government. I
am supposed to fear the bogeyman and pray for momma government
to protect me they say. Don't make me Fucking laugh, I have better
odds of being murdered by "our" government" than a terrorist, I
have better odds of being murdered by "our" out of control
paramilitary police than a terrorist. This nation has become a
more and more of a police state, and they say this Is for our
own good. Bullshit, I would rather live free than be a safe
prisoner In a fishbowl. Besides how can they speak of a war
on terror when they leave the southern border wide open. If
there truly was a terror threat on America, wouldn't they have
better control over the border ? I mean nothing like sending
all of your troops to fight a war, then leaving your border wide
open. But what's new In present day lack of common sense
Amerikka. The war on terror Is just an
sand box again, this time with real soldiers and lives.
The old rich White guys & Jews In power get richer through their
contractors and military Industrial complex. While us the
people of Amerikkka get poorer. But all Is well they say as
you can sleep safely In your home at night, that Is If It
hasn't been repossessed yet. Because you have lost your
job due to the Importation of the elites Illegal slave labor
class, or had It shipped to China. But Fucking A, we are so
safe and snug ! We are supposed to worry about the
bogeymen yet we have to struggle economically In this
Nation just to survive (Not all of us are rich White yuppies
who can spend 5 $ on a cup of coffee). White, Black, Red
and Brown who aren't upper class are all sinking fast. But
who cares right, we need to fight terror, terror, terror !
Don't look to the election to save Shit either, It's just the
same Shit with different Assholes running. John "the jobs
ain't coming back" McCain and Hillary and Barack who
support NAFTA could care less about you. All these
morons want Is war and more war, and more outsourcing
and Illegal alien slave labor.McCain wants to
expand the terror mayhem to Iran, and Barack wants
to Invade Pakistan. And It's due to AIPAC and the
PNAC Zionist excrement that has seized this nations
foreign policy. Chertoff Is an Israeli citizen and In
charge of Homeland Security, whats that tell you ?
Why don't we build "our" nation which Is crumbling
from within, before bombing the hell out of other nations
and rebuilding them ? But I guess their Is no profit to
be made, as the war of terror Is about $ and destroying
Israels arch enemies. It has nothing to due with
Amerikkka, 9-11 was a staged event just like the Reichstag
fire. An excuse for war and to assault Amerikkka's remaining
freedoms. I mean do your really feel free when you pay to
get harassed at the airport, I know Amerikkkan's are
voyeurs, but paying for the prison processing experience ?
Ready for Real ID, your DNA,Medical, Credit, Facial
recognition,Retna scan, and criminal history all on
one card ? Still think you are free ? Don't get one
you'll get no job, bank account or loan. Freedom ?
And If that Isn't enough, we have the puerco's to
worry about. Gun ho and macho with little to no
common sense, ready to assault 80 year old women
In wheelchairs with lethal force (Or anyone they feel
for that fact) ,do you still feel safe ? Amerikka Is building
a prison to keep prisoners In, not terrorists out. But
Amerikkkans don't hear It or see It though. An
overload of reality TV and pop "culture" keeps
Amerikkans content, while they get It doggystyle anally
from their government. But don't worry have another
Big Mac and watch the latest prime time perversions
on TV, I don't want to destroy your Illusions. Whatever
happened to the Independant spirit this nation once
had ? Now It's become a bunch of fat scared little
bitches (grow some balls, buy some guns and defend your
family yourselves). Fuck the war on terror, not all
of us live In some scary berry lily White suburbs(That
pathetically lack any racial unity or solidarity, just
matrerialistic desires), for some of us daily survival Is terror
enough. So If you don't like my rant and are offended, who
the Fuck cares, when you have to survive by any means
necessary you get pissed off and could care less what
punks think. Not all of us are well off, and soon upscale
White suburban( Who despise Whites too who aren't
materialistic and shallow) Amerikkka will
get to join In the fun. Soon we will all be equal, equally poor
and fucked by the Government.