Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Jews Consider American Minds "Tillable Soil"

Organized Jewry wants you to be
compliant, dumbed down human chattel.

Jews Consider American
Minds 'Tillable Soil'

Mary Sparrowdancer

Perhaps after nearly 30 years of evidence pertaining
to the "public education" most Gentiles have received
after the Department of Education was created, we
should finally ask ourselves, "How well has this
education system worked for the Gentiles?"

This federal educational tool has created a nation
of "graduates" now generally dumber than a sack
of hammers, but perhaps that was exactly their goal
all along. We obediently believe everything we are
told by "authorities," and ask no questions. We
comply. We do only the homework they tell us to
do. We drink our fluoride. In addition, the "public
school system" has been used to help foster agendas,
to force children to submit to mandatory
pharmaceuticals, to conduct additional fluoride
experiments on children, to create overcrowded
havens for bullies resulting in unspeakable mass
murders. Schneerson, whose birthday this law
commemorates, also launched a global Noahide
campaign, forcing Gentiles to adhere to Jewish laws,
as well as forcing them to accept the Jewish war-god
of Israel as their only God.

According to wikipedia (the place to go for pro-Jewish info),
Schneerson, considered by some to be the
Messiah, "believed that the American public was
seeking to learn more about their Jewish heritage."
He stated, "It is the Chabad's point of view that the
American mind is simple, honest, direct-good, tillable
soil for Hassidism, or just plain Judaism."

How much longer are American Gentiles going to
permit their minds to be considered nothing more
than "tillable soil."

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